当人们想到制造和运输服务时, the image that often comes to mind is an item being put into a 简单的, rectangular wood box with some packing peanuts or moving blankets being thrown in to provide a little cushioning. They also tend to envision common items like furniture, office equipment, etc. 成为这次行动的焦点.

在全球赌博十大网站 & 网上十大娱乐网站排名, 我们确实处理这类项目, 在某些情况下, 简单的, 矩形木箱是理想的容器. But we also handle some very unique, often valuable and sometimes strange items, too!

我们很乐意处理任何类型的货物, we certainly enjoy the change of pace and the challenge that comes with unique, 一次性的项目. 事实上, that’s why we describe ourselves as experts in specialty crating, 包装运输服务. We’re eager to take on jobs that other companies are reluctant to handle.

我们的 包装工程师 and operations teams love to hear someone say, “We’ve got an interesting project coming up!“非标准项目对他们的技能进行了考验, and they feel great when they pass the test with flying colors!

So, what interesting and unusual items have we handled? 请继续阅读以了解详情.

Specialty 装箱, 包装 and 全球赌博十大网站 Challenge Accepted!

The teams at our 65+ brick-and-mortar locations never know what will come in the door or be waiting for them when they arrive to do crating at a customer site. 例如, we have photos of one of our team members standing beside a life-sized statue of the legendary and elusive bigfoot! Its very lifelike appearance was more than a little unnerving. 当你看到照片的时候, you can easily envision the creature reaching out to tap our team member on the shoulder!


From the odd to the expensive, we’ve shipped many types of vintage vehicles. 在一个项目中, we assisted in the moving of two rare Ferraris—a Ferrari 375 MM Berlinetta, 和一辆法拉利375毫米蜘蛛. 我们的 teams designed and crafted what were essentially portable garages, 有坚固的木质底座和侧面, and a customized blocking and bracing strategy that immobilized the cars during their journey.

这样的努力是值得的, 虽然, to ensure that these priceless vehicles would get to their destination in as-shipped condition.


Sometimes simply maneuvering an item is a problem that needs to be solved before it can be crated and shipped. That was the case with a project for a metal fabrication company in Kansas City that produced a huge work of art for a customer in Hawaii. The four-piece jigsaw puzzle was crafted from stainless steel, 与厚, 奇形怪状的碎片平均约为15英尺x 15英尺.


这些碎片是如此巨大,以至于当地的全球赌博十大网站 & 网上十大娱乐网站排名 location had to rent offsite warehouse space with an oversized door that would accommodate the enormous crates. 然后, developing supports for “floating” each piece within its crate and determining the ideal way to tie the pieces down was an interesting challenge!

Of course, items don’t have to be large or oddly shaped to require special attention. In some cases, an item is an irreplaceable one-of-a-kind piece. Such was the case with some sports memorabilia featuring photos and autographs from baseball legends including Honus Wagner, 杰基·罗宾森, 罗伯托·克莱门特的全球赌博十大网站 & 网上十大娱乐网站排名 team picked up from an auction house in Columbus, OH.


而当一件物品会被带上长长的, 海外旅行, 这增加了创造的复杂性, 提供包装和运输服务. 例如, we once were tasked with getting a drum set belonging to rocker Ozzy Osbourne from the U.S. 到德国. While the music fans on our team may have been wowed by what they were handling, it didn’t keep them from staying focused on their work and ensuring the kit was properly protected.



并不是每个专业都有, packaging and shipping company that can say they’ve successfully shipped a solenoid for an 国际 Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). 全球赌博十大网站 & 网上十大娱乐网站排名可以!

我们的 team helped move a huge component of what will be the world’s most powerful magnet from California to France so that it can be used in a fusion energy project. Each of the seven units is constructed as a nine-sided polygon, 尺寸为16 ' x 16 ' x 8 ',重240吨. 我们使用了纱布箔防护袋, 热缩包, and custom panels that attached to the upper and lower shipping unit to prepare the unit for its journey.

six Central Solenoid modules in various stages of fabrication

What’s Next for 我们的 Specialty 装箱 and 全球赌博十大网站 Experts?

It might be a stretch to say “there’s nothing we can’t ship.” But if we can’t ship a particular item, it’s safe to say that no other company like ours can. 和, while we’ve helped transport some truly remarkable items and love to tell the stories, 我们没有“安于现状”,可以这么说.

我们的 teams are continually coming up with new and innovative ways to make the transporting of assets easier, 更安全的, 更有效率. 这包括从, 在成功的基础上扩展, 我们在美国各地的分店.S. It also involves finding better ways to collaborate with our network of contacts in countries around the world.

So, 如果你看着你的资产说, “我不认为它可以运输,“你应该联系当地的全球赌博十大网站 & 货轮的位置,然后再注销项目. We’re always happy to talk about a client’s needs and the obstacles to meeting those needs. 在绝大多数情况下, we can leverage our extensive experience and resources to find a way to get an item safely from its point of origin to its destination.

和 maybe someday your complicated crating and shipping project will, 如果你允许的话, 在博客文章或我们的 相片画廊——还有飞机, 工业设备, 电器, 雕像, 彩色玻璃窗, 还有你们今天看到的巨大的蜘蛛!